The Meaning Behind The Song: E=MC2 by Big Audio Dynamite - Old Time Music (2024)

The Meaning Behind The Song: E=MC2 by Big Audio Dynamite

In 1985, Big Audio Dynamite released a song that would go on to become one of their most popular tracks. “E=MC2” was a unique blend of rock, punk, and dance music, and it soared to the top of the charts in both the US and the UK. But what was the true meaning behind the song?

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The lyrics of “E=MC2” are often interpreted as a statement about the power of music and its ability to bring people together. However, the song also contains references to science and physics, leading some fans to believe that there is a deeper meaning at play.

The Origin of the Title

The title of the song, “E=MC2,” is derived from one of the most famous equations in the world – Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. The equation, which states that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared, is often used as a shorthand for the concept of mass-energy equivalence.

The Science References

While the song’s main focus is on the power of music to unite people of different backgrounds, there are several references to scientific concepts throughout the lyrics. For example, the line “I’m the metro, you’re the retro” may be a reference to the idea of time dilation, a concept central to Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Other lines in the song reference the mysterious and elusive nature of quantum mechanics, such as the phrase “Schrödinger’s cat in a box” which alludes to the famous thought experiment involving a cat that is both alive and dead at the same time.

The Power of Music

At its core, “E=MC2” is a song about the power of music to bring people of different backgrounds together. The lyrics are full of references to disparate cultural and musical influences, such as the lines “Trombone, trumpet, and the saxophone / I can hear the music ‘cross the ghetto zone” which suggest that even those from different neighborhoods can find common ground through music.

The song’s upbeat, danceable tempo also reinforces this message of unity, encouraging listeners to let loose and enjoy the power of music together.


What inspired Big Audio Dynamite to write “E=MC2”?

The band’s frontman, Mick Jones, has said that the song was inspired by the idea of bringing together different musical genres and cultural influences. He wanted to create a song that would showcase the power of music to unite people from all walks of life.

What other scientific concepts are referenced in the song?

In addition to the references to Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, the song also contains a line about the “double helix of your DNA,” which alludes to the structure of DNA molecules.

Has the song been used in any movies or TV shows?

Yes, “E=MC2” has been featured in several films and TV shows, including “Grosse Pointe Blank,” “Singles,” and “The Breakfast Club.”

Are there any other songs that reference scientific concepts?

Yes, many musicians have drawn inspiration from science and mathematics in their songwriting. Examples include “Particle Man” by They Might Be Giants, “The Fractal Zoom” by Brian Eno, and “Tubular Bells” by Mike Oldfield.

Did “E=MC2” win any awards?

While the song did not receive any major awards, it was a commercial success and remains one of Big Audio Dynamite’s most well-known tracks.

What was the critical reception to the song?

“E=MC2” received mostly positive reviews from music critics upon its release. Many praised the song’s innovative blend of different musical genres and its catchy chorus.

Did the band have any trouble recording the song?

Yes, according to Mick Jones, the band had difficulty getting the song’s chorus exactly right. It took several hours of recording and re-recording before they finally got the desired sound.

Did “E=MC2” influence any other musicians?

It’s possible that the song helped to inspire other musicians to experiment with different styles and genres. However, there is no concrete evidence of this.

What do the band members think of the song today?

While opinions may vary, Mick Jones has expressed pride in the song and its ability to unite people from different backgrounds through the power of music.

What is the legacy of “E=MC2” today?

The song remains a classic of 1980s music and is still played regularly on the radio. It is also considered a groundbreaking fusion of different musical styles and a testament to the power of music to bring people together.

The Meaning Behind The Song: E=MC2 by Big Audio Dynamite - Old Time Music (2024)
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