L&T India-Financials (2024)

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L&T India-Financials (4)Financials

Financial data and statements including 10 Year Trends and 10 Year Key Financials.

For quarterly results click here.

L&T India-Financials (5)Financial Statements

  • Consolidated
  • Standalone
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Quarterly Results

Balance Sheet as at

(Rs. In Cr.)

PARTICULARS31-Mar-202331-Mar-2022 31-Mar-2021 31-Mar-2020 31-Mar-2019
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 11336.28 10577.98 11386.29 10103.79 10889.56
Capital work-in-progress 2949.09 1170.32 388.37 3224.91 2483.56
Investment property 3360.22 3962.98 3646.78 3714.72 4254.56
Goodwill 7798.65 7685.17 8066.96 8011.40 1826.91
Other intangible assets 18007.98 18729.37 19197.76 19596.98 4222.91
Intangible assets under development 116.48 79.23 112.02 86.18 11435.93
Right-of-use assets 2137.87 1989.51 2021.53 2226.49 -
Financial assets
Investments in joint ventures and associates1304.86 2521.16 2670.26 2851.01 2642.29
Other investments7920.03 7074.44 5945.14 4496.72 4318.64
Loans towards financing activities40920.92 46736.84 52631.67 58589.36 57788.88
Other loans356.00 284.54 173.24 1522.33 1481.08
Other financial assets1965.78 2134.90 1420.19 638.15 1144.05
Deferred tax assets (net)3984.79 2840.10 2697.00 3846.58 3418.93
Current tax receivables (net)3611.66 3307.65 3262.10 4144.07 3490.92
Other non-current assets 2377.38 2769.97 2687.57 2397.55 2157.70
Sub-total - Non-current assets 108147.99 111864.16 116306.88 125450.24 111555.92
Current assets
Inventories6828.78 5943.32 5820.54 5746.65 6413.93
Financial assets
Investments35573.42 29799.58 31011.23 12699.75 13946.17
Trade receivables44731.53 46139.32 42229.78 40731.52 36845.87
Cash and cash equivalents16926.69 13770.24 13373.52 11324.57 6509.49
Other bank balances5592.91 5182.93 2867.98 3793.21 5216.75
Loans towards financing activities40460.55 42269.20 41379.03 41723.42 42530.82
Other loans251.15 280.34 235.35 716.00 626.69
Other financial assets4930.10 3655.82 3251.68 2927.87 2551.25
Other current assets65920.39 60331.55 54791.48 58659.69 52143.06
Sub-total - Current assets221215.52 207372.30194960.59 178322.68 166784.03
Group(s) of assets classified as held for sale 988.80 830.78 6.24 4367.21 7.41
TOTAL ASSETS330352.31 320067.24 311273.71 308140.13 278347.36
Equity share capital 281.10 281.01 280.91 280.78 280.55
Other equity 89044.85 82126.65 75587.62 66442.44 62094.25
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 89325.95 82407.66 75868.53 66723.22 62374.80
Non-controlling interests 14241.27 12966.07 12051.53 9520.83 6826.11
TOTAL EQUITY 103567.22 95373.73 87920.06 76244.05 69200.91
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Borrowings 61217.68 61618.31 82120.04 82331.33 74120.79
Lease liability 1646.31 1633.31 1617.72 1741.60 -
Other financial liabilities 272.96 122.94 186.74 901.14 354.83
Provisions 869.99 817.77 773.78 708.67 556.84
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 630.43 1039.33 1178.66 1453.04 311.13
Other non-current liabilities 81.73 21.27 68.70 31.09 0.55
Sub-total - Non-current liabilities 64719.10 65252.93 85945.64 87166.87 75344.14
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Borrowings 30896.32 30476.96 27765.83 35021.02 29223.84
Current maturities of long-term borrowings 26399.38 31372.96 22719.39 23654.77 22210.54
Lease liability 490.75 406.54 406.10 424.95 -
Trade payables:
Due to micro enterprises and small enterprises 851.70 575.91 488.99 479.51 261.12
Due to others 48932.42 50789.71 45256.24 43164.42 42733.69
Other financial liabilities 7441.94 6664.35 5328.93 4923.23 4622.78
Other current liabilities 42166.55 34408.74 31269.63 30816.67 31166.55
Provisions 3493.47 3355.86 2998.68 2750.85 2443.43
Current tax liabilities (net) 1393.46 1309.82 1171.02 1509.62 1137.16
Sub-total - Current liabilities 162065.99 159360.85 137404.81 142745.04 133799.11
Liabilities associated with group(s) of assets classified as held for sale -79.73 3.20 1984.17 3.20
TOTAL LIABILITIES 226785.09 224693.51 223353.65 231896.08 209146.45
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 330352.31 320067.24 311273.71 308140.13 278347.36

Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended

(Rs. In Cr.)

PARTICULARS2022-232021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Continuing operations
Revenue from operations183340.70 156521.23 135979.03 145452.36 135220.29
Other income (net) 2929.17 2267.08 3429.35 2360.90 1836.53
Total Income 186269.87 158788.31 139408.38 147813.26 137056.82
Manufacturing, construction and operating expenses:
Cost of raw materials, components consumed 18995.11 17100.84 15562.05 15548.66 14771.56
Construction materials consumed43237.35 33506.21 24558.23 30316.12 31230.44
Purchase of stock-in-trade1052.86 1069.50 1213.58 841.09 887.87
Stores, spares and tools consumed4814.89 3091.07 2032.89 2184.46 2812.31
Sub-contracting charges25624.45 24772.33 22316.18 26454.05 26011.91
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress, stock-in-trade and property development(3156.64)(2076.60)343.37 647.70 (731.11)
Other manufacturing, construction and operating expenses20020.81 16471.05 12983.56 13328.71 13264.43
Finance cost of financial services business and finance lease activity6026.44 5952.54 7691.04 8041.88 7385.63
Employee benefits expense37214.11 29695.79 24750.54 23114.00 17466.40
Sales, administration and other expenses8758.04 8733.89 8903.49 8646.71 6791.21
Finance costs3207.16 3125.70 3913.44 2796.66 1802.55
Depreciation, amortisation, impairment and obsolescence3502.25 2947.95 2904.21 2462.27 1923.03
Total Expenses169296.83 144390.27 127172.58 134382.31 123616.23
Profit before exceptional items and tax from continuing operations16973.04 14398.04 12235.80 13430.95 13440.59
Exceptional items before tax (net) [gain/(loss)](91.97)119.70 (3693.78)-294.75
Tax expense on exceptional items:
Current tax448.35 22.77 48.44 --
Deferred tax(676.31)-(186.20)--
Total tax expenses on exceptional item(227.96)22.77 (137.76)--
Exceptional items (net of tax)135.99 96.93 (3556.02)294.75
Profit before tax from continuing operations17109.03 14494.97 8679.78 13430.95 13735.34
Tax expense:
Current tax5055.17 4499.40 3923.39 3564.58 4402.95
Deferred tax (571.01)(295.48)87.43 (301.38)(335.86)
Total tax expenses4484.16 4203.92 4010.82 3263.20 4067.09
Net profit after tax from continuing operations12624.87 10291.05 4668.96 10167.75 9668.25
Share in profit/(loss) after tax of joint ventures/associates (net)(94.25) 128.19 14.40 71.96 (21.00)
Net profit for the year from continuing operations12530.62 10419.24 4683.36 10239.71 9647.25
Discontinued operations
Profit before tax from discontinued operations--10790.5883.25845.57
Tax expense of discontinued operations--2552.58228.68276.24
Net profit after tax from discontinued operations--8237.92 654.57 569.33
Net profit after tax from continuing and discontinued operations12530.62 10419.24 12921.28 10894.28 10216.58
Profit for the year attributable to:
Owners of the Company10470.72 8669.33 11582.93 9549.03 8905.13
Non-controlling interests2059.90 1749.91 1338.35 1345.25 1311.45
12530.62 10419.24 12921.28 10894.28 10216.58
Earnings per share (EPS) of Rs 2 each from continuing and discontinued operations
Basic earnings per equity share (Rs) 74.51 61.71 82.49 68.04 63.51
Diluted earnings per equity share (Rs)74.45 61.65 82.41 67.95 63.40
Face value per equity share (Rs)2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Quarterly Results for the quarter ended

(Rs. In Cr.)

PARTICULARS31-DEC-202330-Sep-202330-Jun-202331-Mar-2023 31-Dec-2022
Revenue from operations 55127.82 51024.04 47882.37 58335.15 46389.72
Other income (net) 837.75 1132.98 1145.56 740.91 755.03
Total Income 55965.57 52157.02 49027.93 59076.06 47144.75
Manufacturing, construction and operating expenses:
Cost of raw materials, components consumed 4835.59 4429.90 4629.32 6018.27 4660.31
Construction materials consumed 12922.28 11717.48 10988.13 15472.91 10413.68
Purchase of stock-in-trade 285.15 338.50 325.37 175.45 374.50
Stores, spares and tools consumed 1140.69 1016.59 1168.42 1358.52 1322.14
Sub-contracting charges 9101.32 7757.49 7349.90 9118.55 6483.49
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress, stock-in-trade and property development (2.08)373.75 (407.88)66.37 (694.92)
Other manufacturing, construction and operating expenses 6946.46 5430.62 5262.42 5755.83 5247.95
Finance cost of financial services business and finance lease activity 1439.65 1408.48 1447.72 1521.29 1580.43
Employee benefits expense 10253.27 10298.89 9889.36 9981.09 9532.50
Sales, administration and other expenses 2446.49 2620.35 2360.97 2033.92 2396.60
Finance costs 904.17 864.01 851.36 813.00 802.45
Depreciation, amortisation, impairment and obsolescence 920.75 909.89 830.47 853.50 825.18
Total Expenses 51193.74 47165.95 44695.56 53168.70 42944.31
Profit before exceptional items and tax 4771.83 4991.07 4332.37 5907.36 4200.44
Exceptional items before tax (net) [gain/(loss)](91.97)
Tax expense on exceptional items:
Current tax448.35
Deferred tax(676.31)
Total tax expenses on exceptional item----(227.96)
Exceptional items (net of tax)----135.99
Profit before tax 4771.83 4991.07 4332.37 5907.36 4336.43
Tax expense:
Current tax 1190.58 1086.52 1251.08 1129.75 1740.12
Deferred tax (13.26)49.00 (34.83)330.87 (469.62)
Total tax expenses 1177.32 1135.52 1216.25 1460.62 1270.50
Net profit after tax 3594.51 3855.55 3116.12 4446.74 3065.93
Share in profit/(loss) after tax of joint ventures/associates (net) (1.67)(10.05)(20.53)11.84 (7.47)
Net profit after tax and share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures/associates 3592.843845.50 3095.59 4458.58 3058.46
Attributable to:
Owners of the Company 2947.36 3222.63 2493.00 3986.78 2552.92
Non-controlling interests 645.48 622.87 602.59 471.80 505.54
3592.843845.50 3095.59 4458.58 3058.46
Earnings per share (EPS) of Rs 2 each
Basic earnings per equity share (Rs) 21.44 22.94 17.74 28.37 18.17
Diluted earnings per equity share (Rs) 21.42 22.92 17.73 28.35 18.15
Face value per equity share (Rs)2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Quarterly Results

Balance Sheet as at

(Rs. In Cr.)

PARTICULARS31-Mar-202331-Mar-2022 31-Mar-2021 31-Mar-2020 31-Mar-2019
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 8570.70 7908.37 8198.54 6853.43 7982.02
Capital work-in-progress 1938.38 571.50 238.71 796.55 567.31
Investment property 568.57 589.64 408.36 490.40 381.26
Goodwill 47.29 47.29 47.29 --
Other intangible assets 146.81 147.29 70.83 83.72 228.72
Intangible assets under development 16.39 11.26 48.01 0.66 171.69
Right-of-use assets 422.59 420.59 440.07 412.82
Financial assets
Investments27036.97 27049.50 27180.62 27975.28 18197.30
Loans3306.81 4084.58 2853.52 3507.00 1279.76
Other financial assets407.22 523.80 531.78 304.48 577.00
Deferred tax assets (net)1539.14 1140.30 754.27 1428.20 841.86
Current tax receivables (net)2290.16 2079.73 2059.17 2072.84 1716.47
Other non-current assets1592.87 1910.57 1839.12 1996.10 1657.17
Sub-total - Non-current assets 47883.90 46484.42 44670.29 45921.48 33600.56
Current assets
Inventories3428.56 3132.51 2877.57 2769.90 3349.24
Financial assets
Investments20224.29 18478.22 22232.95 6059.15 4706.85
Trade receivables33152.58 36347.35 33331.60 27912.96 28212.55
Cash and cash equivalents3802.49 5718.23 3524.95 3262.83 2733.45
Other bank balances767.15 780.28 650.59 675.56 4886.52
loans168.29 249.60 257.87 515.14 1305.94
Other financial assets3527.90 2182.44 2513.99 1997.59 1955.40
Other current assets57128.31 55129.23 49855.81 49661.61 43867.50
Sub-total - Current assets122199.57 122017.86 115245.34 92854.75 91017.46
Group(s) of assets classified as held for sale 2341.02 --2780.3741.72
TOTAL ASSETS172424.49 168502.28 159915.62 141556.59 124659.73
Equity share capital 281.10 281.01 280.91 280.78 280.55
Other equity 71246.85 66833.04 61456.91 51894.57 49767.87
TOTAL EQUITY 71527.95 67114.05 61737.82 52175.35 50048.42
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Borrowings 9390.85 12968.41 16646.73 7185.71 3772.07
Lease liability 50.12 53.98 76.24 24.18 -
Other financial liabilities 108.41 145.25 94.25 179.62 81.69
Provisions 636.97 645.27 655.90 611.23 497.62
Other non-current liabilities 7.05 7.84 - 0.22 0.58
Sub-total - Non-current liabilities 10193.40 13820.75 17473.12 8000.96 4351.96
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Borrowings 3179.36 2097.39 6827.90 15044.11 4086.16
Current maturities of long-term borrowings 5580.88 5232.49 999.56 3555.48 4131.46
Lease liability 137.32 124.44 114.03 132.27 -
Trade payables:
Due to micro enterprises and small enterprises 751.71 473.67 448.30 379.88 201.96
Due to others 41028.66 44911.67 40321.48 36249.51 36023.07
Other financial liabilities 4117.92 3317.63 2451.53 1709.09 1931.73
Other current liabilities 32277.37 28888.84 27474.76 20758.05 22080.45
Provisions 1832.37 1861.48 1650.38 1555.39 1483.61
Current tax liabilities (net) 799.07 659.87 416.74 628.92 320.91
Sub-total - Current liabilities 89704.66 87567.48 80704.68 80012.70 70259.35
Liabilities associated with group(s) of assets classified as held for sale 998.48 --1367.58 -
TOTAL LIABILITIES 100896.54 101388.23 98177.80 89381.24 74611.31
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 172424.49 168502.28 159915.62 141556.59 124659.73

Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended

(Rs. In Cr.)

PARTICULARS2022-232021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Continuing operations
Revenue from operations110500.98 101000.41 87255.48 82383.65 82287.42
Other income (net) 4034.95 3612.65 3360.29 2807.87 2711.19
Total Income 114535.93 104613.06 90615.77 85191.52 84998.61
Manufacturing, construction and operating expenses:
Cost of raw materials, components consumed 13163.05 12590.86 12293.75 5486.99 5712.54
Construction materials consumed38098.69 31445.49 22869.85 28632.03 29482.65
Purchase of stock-in-trade1076.29 1070.62 1226.68 855.63 906.49
Stores, spares and tools consumed4260.17 2718.52 1701.07 1520.47 2312.83
Sub-contracting charges24353.62 25166.38 21993.33 22488.74 21647.74
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress, stock-in-trade and property development(2930.73)(1944.37)362.10 (64.01) (1126.17)
Other manufacturing, construction and operating expenses12373.24 10517.85 9183.68 7962.36 7917.78
Employee benefits expense8298.22 7396.88 6398.20 5955.98 5732.60
Sales, administration and other expenses2513.81 2982.68 2917.34 2707.34 2047.87
Finance costs2125.23 1754.24 2381.71 2266.56 1787.62
Depreciation, amortisation, impairment and obsolescence1371.64 1172.50 1150.68 1020.51 999.55
Total Expenses104703.23 94871.65 82478.39 78832.60 77421.50
Profit before exceptional items and tax from continuing operations9832.70 9741.41 8137.38 6358.92 7577.11
Exceptional items before tax (net) [gain/(loss)]-290.06 (2818.65)626.99 1642.35
Tax expense on exceptional items:
Current tax-22.77 ---
Deferred tax---16.68-
Total tax expenses on exceptional item-22.77 -16.68 -
Exceptional items (net of tax)-267.29 (2818.65)610.31 1642.35
Profit before tax from continuing operations9832.70 10008.70 5318.73 6969.23 9219.46
Tax expense:
Current tax2334.76 2405.17 1847.72 1508.92 2409.73
Deferred tax (351.03)(275.92)323.70 (564.45)(138.60)
Total tax expenses1983.73 2129.25 2171.42 944.47 2271.13
Net profit after tax from continuing operations7848.97 7879.45 3147.31 6024.76 6948.33
Discontinued operations
Profit before tax from discontinued operations--11199.23865.38812.40
Tax expense of discontinued operations--2548.75210.93269.34
Net profit after tax from discontinued operations--8650.48 654.45 543.06
Net profit after tax from continuing and discontinued operations7848.97 7879.45 11797.79 6679.21 7491.39
Earnings per share (EPS) of Rs 2 each from continuing and discontinued operations
Basic earnings per equity share (Rs) 55.85 56.09 84.02 47.59 53.43
Diluted earnings per equity share (Rs)55.81 56.03 83.93 47.53 53.34
Face value per equity share (Rs)2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Quarterly Results for the quarter ended

(Rs. In Cr.)

PARTICULARS31-DEC-2023 30-Sep-2023 30-Jun-2023 31-Mar-2023 31-Dec-2022
Revenue from operations31600.92 28151.12 26930.54 36734.13 27785.41
Other income (net)1225.60 2236.28 858.23 1079.92 832.96
Total Income32826.52 30387.40 27788.77 37814.05 28618.37
Manufacturing, construction and operating expenses:
Cost of raw materials, components consumed2858.60 2596.81 2862.26 4145.27 3259.74
Construction materials consumed10684.57 9182.90 8769.43 12784.65 9138.52
Purchase of stock-in-trade292.56 347.22 316.50 184.97 391.39
Stores, spares and tools consumed896.01 848.65 988.70 1201.16 1158.61
Sub-contracting charges8067.17 6821.76 6769.79 8236.13 6274.95
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress, stock-in-trade and property development175.39182.17 (733.75)11.25 (580.75)
Other manufacturing, construction and operating expenses3194.21 3201.41 3167.89 3772.93 3103.84
Employee benefits expense2205.46 2173.73 2098.76 2247.20 2014.80
Sales, administration and other expenses767.90 875.84 817.55 626.37 707.46
Finance costs629.84 584.18 547.35 534.01 508.11
Depreciation, amortisation, impairment and obsolescence438.45 415.56 378.56 357.24 334.76
Total Expenses30210.16 27230.23 25983.04 34101.18 26311.43
Profit before exceptional items and tax2616.36 3157.17 1805.73 3712.87 2306.94
Exceptional items before tax (net) [gain/(loss)] - 515.62
Tax expense on exceptional items:
Current tax
Deferred tax - 117.65
Total tax expenses on exceptional item-117.65 ---
Exceptional items (net of tax)-397.97 ---
Profit before tax2616.36 3157.17 2203.70 3712.87 2306.94
Tax expense:
Current tax478.26 471.20 464.06 904.88 571.09
Deferred tax 1.92(23.75)(52.72)(194.86)(89.59)
Total tax expenses480.18 447.45 411.34 710.02 481.50
Net profit after tax2136.18 2709.72 1792.36 3002.85 1825.44
Earnings per share (EPS) of Rs 2 each
Basic earnings per equity share (Rs) 15.54 19.29 12.75 21.37 12.99
Diluted earnings per equity share (Rs)15.53 19.28 12.74 21.35 12.98
Face value per equity share (Rs)2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

L&T India-Financials (6)10 Years Trends

L&T India-Financials (7)10 Year Key Financials

  • Consolidated
  • Standalone

(Rs. In Cr.)

DESCRIPTION 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
Statement of Profit and Loss
Gross revenue from operations [1] 183341 156521 135979 145452 135220 119862 110011 101975 92762 85889
PBDIT[1][2] 20753 18205 15624 16329 15330 13641 11130 10463 11258 10730
Profit attributable to Group shareholders (excluding extraordinary/ exceptional items) [3] 10374 8572 6965 8894 8144 7151 5920 4154 4470 4547
Profit attributable to Group shareholders (including extraordinary / exceptional items) 10471 8669 11583 9549 8905 7370 6041 4233 4765 4902
Balance Sheet
Net worth 89326 82408 75869 66723 62375 54904 50217 44180 40909 37712
Non-controlling interest 14241 12966 12052 9521 6826 5201 3564 2893 4999 3179
Loan funds 118513 123468 132605 141007 125555 107524 93954 88135 90571 80330
Capital employed 222080 218842 220525 217251 194756 167629 147735 135208 136479 121221
Ratios and statistics
PBDIT as % of net revenue from operations [4][1] 11.32 11.63 11.49 11.23 11.34 11.40 10.18 10.35 12.24 12.60
PAT as % of net revenue from operations [5][1] 5.71 5.54 8.52 6.57 6.59 6.16 5.53 4.19 5.18 5.76
RONW % [6] 12.19 10.95 16.25 14.80 15.35 14.12 12.80 9.91 12.13 13.71
Gross Debt: Equity ratio 1.14:1 1.29:1 1.51:1 1.85:1 1.81:1 1.79:1 1.75:1 1.87:1 2.21:1 2.13:1
Basic earnings per equity share (Rs.) [7] 74.51 61.71 82.49 68.04 63.51 52.62 43.20 30.32 34.22 35.31
Book value per equity share (Rs.) [8] 635.55 586.52 540.16 475.27 444.67 391.78 358.83 316.20 293.29 271.10
Dividend per equity share (Rs.) [8] [9] 24.00 22.00 36.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.17 10.83 9.50

Figures for 2015-16 to 2022-23 are as per Ind AS and for earlier periods as per IGAAP and hence not directly comparable.

[1] From Continuing Operations in 2020-21, 2019-20 and 2018-19

[2[ Profit before depreciation, interest and tax [PBDIT] is excluding extraordinary/exceptional items wherever applicable and other income.

[3] Profit from discontinued operations in the year 2020-21, 2019-20 and 2018-19 has been considered as exceptional item.

[4] PBDIT as % of net revenue from operations =[PBDIT/(gross revenue from operations less excise duty upto June 30, 2017)].

[5] Profit after tax (PAT) as % of net revenue from operations = [PAT including extraordinary/exceptional items/gross revenue from operations less excise duty upto June 30, 2017].

[6] RONW = [(PAT including extraordinary/exceptional items)/(average net worth excluding revaluation reserve)].

[7] Basic earnings per equity share has been calculated including extraordinary/exceptional items and adjusted for all the years for issue of bonus shares.

[8] After considering adjustment for issue of bonus shares during respective years.

[9] Dividend for the year 2020-21 includes special dividend of Rs. 18.00 per share and final dividend of Rs. 18.00 per share

IndAS [11] IGAAP [11]
DESCRIPTION 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
[8] [9]
Statement of Profit and Loss
Gross revenue from operations [1] 110501 101000 87255 82384 82287 74612 66301 63813 57558 57164
PBDIT[1][2] 9295 9055 8309 6838 7653 7701 6481 5829 6488 6667
Profit after tax (excluding exceptional items) [12] 7849 7612 5966 5414 5466 4861 4560 4454 4699 4905
Profit after tax (including exceptional items) 7849 7879 11798 6679 7491 5387 5454 5000 5056 5493
Balance Sheet
Net worth 71528 67114 61738 52175 50048 49174 46013 42135 37085 33662
Loan funds 18151 20298 24474 25785 11990 10561 10558 13924 12936 11459
Capital employed 89679 87412 86212 77960 62038 59735 56571 56059 50021 45121
Ratios and statistics
PBDIT as % of net revenue from operations [1][3] 8.41 8.97 9.52 8.30 9.30 10.34 9.86 9.23 11.38 11.78
PAT as % of net revenue from operations [1][4] 7.10 7.80 13.52 8.11 9.10 7.23 8.30 7.91 8.87 9.71
RONW % [5] 11.32 12.23 20.54 13.07 15.74 11.32 12.37 12.39 14.30 17.46
Gross Debt: Equity ratio 0.25:1 0.30:1 0.40:1 0.49:1 0.24:1 0.21:1 0.23:1 0.33:1 0.35:1 0.34:1
Basic earnings per equity share (Rs.) [6] 55.85 56.09 84.02 47.59 53.43 38.46 39.00 35.81 36.31 39.57
Book value per equity share (Rs.) [7] 508.92 477.67 439.55 371.65 356.79 350.90 328.79 301.57 265.85 241.97
Dividend per equity share (Rs.) [7][10] 24.00 22.00 36.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.17 10.83 9.50
No. of equity shareholders 1,425,064 1,492,124 1,371,535 1,251,569 10,21,275 8,99,902 9,23,628 10,28,541 8,53,824 832,831
No. of employees 55,202 50,267 49,107 45,467 45,205 42,924 41,466 43,354 44,081 54,579

[1] For Continuing Operations from 2018-19

[2] Profit before depreciation, interest and tax (PBDIT) is excluding exceptional items wherever applicable and other income.

[3] PBDIT as % of net revenue from operations =[(PBDIT)/(gross revenue from operations less excise duty up to June 30, 2017)].

[4] Profit After Tax (PAT) as % of net revenue from operations =[(PAT including exceptional items)/(gross revenue from operations less excise duty up to June 30, 2017)].

[5] RONW [(PAT including exceptional items)/(average net worth excluding revaluation reserve)].

[6] Basic earnings per equity share has been calculated including exceptional items and adjusted for all the years for issue of bonus shares.

[7] After considering adjustments for issue of bonus shares during the respective years.

[8] Figures from 2020-21 include the impact of the merger of L&T Hydrocarbon with the Company.

[9] Figures from 2018-19 include the impact of the merger of L&T Shipbuilding Limited with the Company.

[10] Dividend for 2020-21 includes special dividend of Rs. 18.00 per share and final dividend of Rs. 18 per share.

[11] Figures from 2015-16 are as per Ind AS and for earlier periods as per IGAAP and hence not directly comparable.

[12] Profit from discontinued operations in the year 2020-21, 2019-20 and 2018-19 has been considered as exceptional item.

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