The below list of country names in Cantonese can help you travel the world. Here you learn how to say Asian, European, American, African, and Oceanian countries in Cantonese. For even more Cantonese vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Cantonese at the end of the page.
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European Countries in Cantonese
Asian Countries in Cantonese
American Countries in Cantonese
African Countries in Cantonese
Oceanian Countries in Cantonese
European Countries in Cantonese
English | Cantonese | |
United Kingdom in Cantonese | 英國 (jing1 gwok3) | |
Spain in Cantonese | 西班牙 (sai1 baan1 ngaa4) | |
Italy in Cantonese | 意大利 (ji3 daai6 lei6) | |
France in Cantonese | 法國 (faat3 gwok3) | |
Germany in Cantonese | 德國 (dak1 gwok3) | |
Switzerland in Cantonese | 瑞士 (seoi6 si6) | |
Finland in Cantonese | 芬蘭 (fan1 laan4) | |
Austria in Cantonese | 奧地利 (ou3 dei6 lei6) | |
Greece in Cantonese | 希臘 (hei1 lip6) | |
Netherlands in Cantonese | 荷蘭 (ho4 laan1) | |
Norway in Cantonese | 挪威 (no4 wai1) | |
Poland in Cantonese | 波蘭 (bo1 laan4) | |
Sweden in Cantonese | 瑞典 (seoi6 din2) | |
Turkey in Cantonese | 土耳其 (tou2 ji5 kei4) | |
Ukraine in Cantonese | 烏克蘭 (wu1 hak1 laan4) | |
Hungary in Cantonese | 匈牙利 (hung1 ngaa4 lei6) |
Asian Countries in Cantonese
English | Cantonese | |
China in Cantonese | 中國 (zung1 gwok3) | |
Russia in Cantonese | 俄羅斯 (ngo4 lo4 si1) | |
India in Cantonese | 印度 (jan3 dou6) | |
Singapore in Cantonese | 星加坡 (sing1 gaa3 bo1) | |
Japan in Cantonese | 日本 (jat6 bun2) | |
South Korea in Cantonese | 韓國 (hon4 gwok3) | |
Afghanistan in Cantonese | 阿富汗 (aa3 fu3 hon6) | |
Azerbaijan in Cantonese | 阿塞拜疆 (aa3 coi3 baai3 goeng1) | |
Bangladesh in Cantonese | 孟加拉國 (maang6 gaa1 laai1 gwok3) | |
Indonesia in Cantonese | 印尼 (jan3 nei4) | |
Iraq in Cantonese | 伊拉克 (ji1 laai1 hak1) | |
Iran in Cantonese | 伊朗 (ji1 long5) | |
Qatar in Cantonese | 卡塔爾 (kaa1 taap3 ji5) | |
Malaysia in Cantonese | 馬來西亞 (maa5 loi4 sai1 aa3) | |
Philippines in Cantonese | 菲律賓 (fei1 leot6 ban1) | |
Saudi Arabia in Cantonese | 沙地阿拉伯 (saa1 dei6 aa3 laai1 baak3) | |
Thailand in Cantonese | 泰國 (taai3 gwok3) | |
United Arab Emirates in Cantonese | 阿拉伯聯合酋長國 (aa3 laai1 baak3 lyun4 hap6 jau4 zoeng2 gwok3) | |
Vietnam in Cantonese | 越南 (jyut6 naam4) |
American Countries in Cantonese
English | Cantonese | |
The United States of America in Cantonese | 美國 (mei5 gwok3) | |
Mexico in Cantonese | 墨西哥 (mak6 sai1 go1) | |
Canada in Cantonese | 加拿大 (gaa1 naa4 daai6) | |
Brazil in Cantonese | 巴西 (baa1 sai1) | |
Argentina in Cantonese | 阿根廷 (aa3 gan1 ting4) | |
Chile in Cantonese | 智利 (zi3 lei6) | |
The Bahamas in Cantonese | 巴哈馬 (baa1 haa1 maa5) | |
Bolivia in Cantonese | 玻利維亞 (bo1 lei6 wai4 aa3) | |
Ecuador in Cantonese | 厄瓜多爾 (aak1 gwaa1 do1 ji5) | |
Jamaica in Cantonese | 牙買加 (ngaa4 maai5 gaa1) | |
Colombia in Cantonese | 哥倫比亞 (go1 leon4 bei2 aa3) | |
Cuba in Cantonese | 古巴 (gu2 baa1) | |
Panama in Cantonese | 巴拿馬 (baa1 naa4 maa5) | |
Peru in Cantonese | 秘魯 (bei3 lou5) | |
Uruguay in Cantonese | 烏拉圭 (wu1 laai1 gwai1) | |
Venezuela in Cantonese | 委內瑞拉 (wai2 noi6 seoi6 laai1) |
African Countries in Cantonese
English | Cantonese | |
South Africa in Cantonese | 南非 (naam4 fei1) | |
Nigeria in Cantonese | 尼日利亞 (nei4 jat6 lei6 aa3) | |
Morocco in Cantonese | 摩洛哥 (mo1 lok3 go1) | |
Libya in Cantonese | 利比亞 (lei6 bei2 aa3) | |
Kenya in Cantonese | 肯雅 (hang2 ngaa5) | |
Algeria in Cantonese | 阿爾及利亞 (aa3 ji5 kap6 lei6 aa3) | |
Egypt in Cantonese | 埃及 (aai1 kap6) | |
Ethiopia in Cantonese | 埃塞俄比亞 (aai1 coi3 ngo4 bei2 aa3) | |
Angola in Cantonese | 安哥拉 (on1 go1 laai1) | |
Djibouti in Cantonese | 吉布提 (gat1 bou3 tai4) | |
Ivory Coast in Cantonese | 象牙海岸 (zoeng6 ngaa4 hoi2 ngon6) | |
Ghana in Cantonese | 加納 (gaa1 naap6) | |
Cameroon in Cantonese | 喀麥隆 (kaa3 mak6 lung4) | |
Madagascar in Cantonese | 馬達加斯加 (maa5 daat6 gaa1 si1 gaa1) | |
Namibia in Cantonese | 納米比亞 (naap6 mai5 bei2 aa3) | |
Senegal in Cantonese | 塞內加爾 (coi3 noi6 gaa1 ji5) | |
Zimbabwe in Cantonese | 津巴布韋 (zeon1 baa1 bou3 wai4) | |
Uganda in Cantonese | 烏干達 (wu1 gon1 daat6) |
Oceanian Countries in Cantonese
English | Cantonese | |
Australia in Cantonese | 澳洲 (ou3 zau1) | |
New Zealand in Cantonese | 紐西蘭 (nau2 sai1 laan4) | |
Fiji in Cantonese | 斐濟 (fei2 zai3) | |
Marshall Islands in Cantonese | 馬紹爾群島 (maa5 siu6 ji5 kwan4 dou2) | |
Nauru in Cantonese | 瑙魯 (nou5 lou5) | |
Tonga in Cantonese | 湯加 (tong1 gaa1) |
Cantonese Vocabulary Books
Learn Cantonese - Quick / Easy / Efficient
This vocabulary book is a curated Cantonese word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Cantonese words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
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Cantonese Vocabulary Book
This Cantonese vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.
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Cantonese Flashcards
Cantonese Flashcards Online
On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Cantonese flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.
Printable Cantonese Flashcards
With this downloadable product you get all Cantonese flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.
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Free Learning Resources
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Cantonese Adjectives
Cantonese Country Names
Cantonese Sports
Cantonese Business Vocabulary
Cantonese Clothes
Cantonese Shopping
Cantonese Transportation
Cantonese Music